Newsman Debate Column: What is the Best Halloween Activity?

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Happy Halloween and welcome to the Newsman Debate column! The topic for this debate is “Which Halloween Activity is Your Favorite?” The Newman Community has spoken, with 34 responses, the best Halloween activity is… eating candy! In second place came dressing up in costumes, and in third place came watching scary movies. 

There were many comments about why the different activities were people’s favorite. One person said, “Scary movies are a perfect way to get into the Halloween spirit!” Another person said, “It’s a classic!” regarding carving jack-o-lanterns.

Mia Brillantes commented that dressing up in costumes was her favorite Halloween activity because “Costumes are a wonderful way to express your individuality and take on another persona for the night! It’s lots of fun making them, as well as wearing them out to trick-or-treat or other activities.”

Chloe Mura commented on trick-or-treating saying, “It's fun to see what candies you get while trick or treating, and you trade with your friends/family. Also, you can eat your candy while you walk to each house.”

Lucy Keesbury commented on giving out candy by saying, “I’m very anti-Halloween generally but I do love seeing all the kids’ costumes. There is no point in watching scary movies. Costumes really stress me out because I don't want people to judge me and I can never think of anything. Carving pumpkins is VERY ICKY, the smell, and the texture all revolting. My pumpkin carving skills are also weirdly bad seeing that my knife skills aren't that bad.”

Another student’s unique comment said, “Everyone gives me Twix bars or Snickers without realizing I'm allergic to nuts. That rules out Trick-or-Treating. Beyond that, Halloween is just a whole bunch of people dressing up as scarecrows while the Earth echoes with the sound of the ‘Monster Mash’ and ‘Thriller’ by Michael Jackson. It's not for me.”

Now for the comments on the winning activity of eating candy. One student said, “I mean. It's candy, no?” Another student commented, “The whole point of Halloween is to go home stuffed like a thanksgiving turkey because you and your friends raided every house in the city for skittles, Twix and KitKat. You can dress up in a costume any day of the week. Halloween is the one day where you can legally trespass and get rewarded for it.”

The people have spoken, and it seems that the Newman students feel that the best Halloween activity is eating candy! The class with the most responses was the senior class. Thank you for your responses and stay tuned for the next debate. 


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